
Showing posts from July, 2024

The Felonious Nominee Goes Begging to the Crypto Crowd

  Trump and several other Republicans are headed to a bitcoin conference to tout crypto and win some votes among the ever-hopeful, but intellectually challenged devotees, thereof.     Crypto is nothing more than the 21st century’s version of Amway.   They just substituted block chains for circles.   Other than that, it’s the same old schtick.   It is a curiosity to me that people who have never taken a class in economics are sure they have a good bead on how to beat the system.   They think that people who play by the rules are suckers.   The smart people (like them—right?) use the odd hustle that plays the system and earns them easy money.   These are the same people who loudly sing the blues when the “con” turns out to be on them. There is a saying among the sales community that people only buy for two reasons: need or greed.   [There are several sayings among the loosely affiliated fraternity of salesmen, and few of them reflect kindly on the consumer, but that does not mean

The People Who Signed the Declaration of Independence

  They were lawyers, doctors, career politicians and farmers.   Eight of them were immigrants.   Gwinnett Button and Robert Morris were born in England.   Francis Lewis was from Wales, James Wilson and John Witherspoon were from Scotland.   George Taylor, Matthew Thornton and James Smith were born in Ireland.   The oldest was 70-year-old Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania.   The youngest were South Carolinians Edward Rutledge and Thomas Lynch, Jr. who were both 26.   They were sent by their respective states to Philadelphia where they clustered themselves into oppressively hot quarters, locked the doors and shuttered the windows.   They worked alone and without press coverage because they did not want to be pressured by the emotions of the mob or the threat of exposure.   By creating a country, they were also committing treason against the King, punishable by slow, painful and torturous death.   Accountability was all too apparent to them, so they wanted to be accountable for someth